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What lip colour suits my skin tone?
The best way to find out which lip colour is best for your skin tone is to know what colour your skin tone is. We generally fall in to two catergories, warm or cool, on some occasions though you can have a mix of both warm and cool tones in your skin which would make you neutral. Cool skin tends to have a yellow, golden or olive undertone to the skin, if you're warm you will tend to have more of a red or pinkish undertone to the skin.
Lipsticks that suit cool skin tones tend to have a red or orange tone to them for example: Lady Danger is a vibrant orange red. Maison Rouge is a deep burgundy red and Neon Orange is a bright clean orange.
Lipsticks that suit a warmer skin tone tend to have more of a blue, mauve or purple tone to them for example: Sin is a deep dark blue red perfect colour for a deeper warmer skin tone. Faux is a mauvey blue pink, ideal for a fair skin with a warm under tone. For a pink that has more depth of colour but is still great for a warmer skin is Mehr which would be described as a blue pink. If you skin tone is neural then you are very lucky because you have the best of both worlds as just about everything suits a neutral skin tone. A great example of this is Rebel, You Wouldn't Get It and D For Danger as they are both mid tonal colours and suit all skin tones.
Lipsticks that suit cool skin tones tend to have a red or orange tone to them for example: Lady Danger is a vibrant orange red. Maison Rouge is a deep burgundy red and Neon Orange is a bright clean orange.
Lipsticks that suit a warmer skin tone tend to have more of a blue, mauve or purple tone to them for example: Sin is a deep dark blue red perfect colour for a deeper warmer skin tone. Faux is a mauvey blue pink, ideal for a fair skin with a warm under tone. For a pink that has more depth of colour but is still great for a warmer skin is Mehr which would be described as a blue pink. If you skin tone is neural then you are very lucky because you have the best of both worlds as just about everything suits a neutral skin tone. A great example of this is Rebel, You Wouldn't Get It and D For Danger as they are both mid tonal colours and suit all skin tones.


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